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  • Writer's pictureDaud Khesar

“Is this the life that I want to live?”

Updated: Jun 3, 2022

3 Things That Determine Your Purposes in Life.

Everybody, at least in some stages of their life, have asked themselves, “Is this the life that I want to live?”, or “why do I live as this person? With this body, family, neighborhood, country, etc.”, or something similar. Some people might have found the answer or fractions of the answer, but most don’t. What’s more interesting is, it is common to not to talk about it. Especially when the person’s position is in the higher position. I met many people that have a very successful career, successful business, but deep down inside, they are still asking the same question.

I remember this one particular encounter, a very successful man, one of the top managements in a multinational company. Only after I intentionally share about knowing our purposes is one of our first life mission, he finally opened up and said that actually he was in constant struggle about it. Especially because he will retire in a couple years. The question was in his mind and heart more than 30 years, but he kept denying it because his career was great. He thought to let the life go with the flow, but apparently it was not enough.

Of course, there are lot of things to consider how to find our purposes in life, but what differentiate the people who found the answer and the people who don’t are mostly simply because of these 3 things.

  1. The person itself. This is the most important determining factors for the end results. All the wise man and the most successful people in the world always said the answer of our own purposes is inside us. It is the truest answer about finding our own purposes. We need to feel and hear from inside our heart and intuition. What works for us might not work for other people because of different values, beliefs, interests, and so on. The challenges are, what inside us are the reflection from our perception when exploring of the world.

  2. The environment. Even though the final answer for our own purposes and before we could find an answer is coming from inside us, we need to fill it first with a lot of things from the world. For example if a person is always live inside one small room in their whole life, they might think their purposes is only involves everything inside that room. Another example, the person who live in the middle of constant war would have a different purposes than the people who live in a very peaceful and beautiful place. Let’s say, even if those two people have similar value about peace, it would manifest in different purposes. One might have a purposes of eliminating any kind of wars in the world, the other one might have a purpose sof sharing all the kindness of the world to the other people.

  3. The Connection. This is the process where we try to give meaning and connecting the dots our experience in life. Give meaning doesn’t mean just blindly follow our reaction to a certain situations or events, but observe it as neutral as possible, feel and accept the emotion, and ask ourselves “what the event means to me? What it wants to tell me? What is the takeout for me to have a better life?” It is very important to be able to listen our inner voice.

Combining our experiences in live and give meaning based on our values, beliefs and look for the connections on particular life events by talking to our inner voice could lead us closer to our purposes in life.

More about environment, especially our circle, or people we interact with, could actually help or maybe hinder us finding our own purposes. Talking with the right person might help us view our experiences in different perspective, and sometimes they might see the connection because they see it from the outside and they could cover our blind spots. That is why finding the right person to talk to is also very important. It could be anyone from family, friends, colleague, or even professionals, just make sure they are very open minded, not a judgmental person, believe that each person has their own purposes, they already find their purposes in life, live with it, and they genuinely care and want you to find your own purposes in life.

First aid question:

“Is this truly the life that you want to live?”

Daud Khesar

Prime Balance Experts & Founder of Prim Assistant.


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